
Financial stability indicators

The European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund publish aggregate data and financial indicators for the Cyprus banking sector. These are compiled and submitted to the aforementioned organisations by the Central Bank of Cyprus on a regular basis, and are used for macroprudential analysis.

Consolidated Banking Data

The aggregate Consolidated Banking Data (CBD) are used for macroprudential analysis conducted at the European Central Bank/European System of Central Banks. They contain information on the profitability, balance sheets, asset quality and capital adequacy of EU banks. The CBD are reported quarterly by the competent national banking supervisory authorities (either central banks or separate authorities), including the Central Bank of Cyprus, at country level and are consolidated both across countries (cross-border) and across institutional sectors (cross-sector), in order to obtain a complete overview of all existing risks to the stability of the banking sector. 

The attached template provides key aggregate financial indicators for the Cyprus banking sector, which are compiled on the basis of the CBD.  Asset quality indicators are published separately under the section Licensing & Supervision.


Financial Soundness Indicators

The Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) have been developed by the International Monetary Fund, together with the international community, with the aim of supporting macroprudential analysis and assessing the vulnerabilities of financial systems.

Reporting countries compile the aggregate FSI data by using different methodologies, which may also vary for different points in time for the same country. As a result, users are advised to consult the accompanying metadata to perform meaningful cross-country comparisons or to properly assess the evolution of a given FSI for any of the countries.

The Central Bank of Cyprus currently reports the aggregate FSI data for domestically-incorporated banks in Cyprus to the International Monetary Fund on a quarterly basis.