
Countercyclical Buffer Rate (CCyB)

CCyB rate on Cyprus exposures

  • Current applicable CCyB rate as from 2 June 2024: 1,0%


Most recent update on CCyB rate:

1 July 2024: The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) leaves the countercyclical buffer (CCyB) rate unchanged at 1,0%, with effect as from 2 June 2024

The CBC, in accordance with the provisions of the Macroprudential Oversight of Institutions Laws of 2015 to 2022, deemed appropriate to maintain the CCyB rate at 1%, which is the rate adopted as per the latest decision of the CBC dated 2 June 2023. The said rate is applicable as from 2 June 2024.

The summary table of the quantitative indicators used by the CBC in its relevant quantitative analysis, including the credit-to-GDP ratio and its deviation from the long-term trend (Credit-to-GDP gap), is set out in the file.

Additional information on the CCyB rate, which has been set on a quarterly basis, effective from 1 January 2016, as well as on the buffer guide, is provided in this file.


Previous update on CCyB rate: 

29 March 2024: The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) leaves the countercyclical buffer (CCyB) rate unchanged at 1,0% with effect as from 2 June 2024

20 December 2023: The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) leaves the countercyclical buffer (CCyB) rate unchanged at 1,0%, with effect as from 2 June 2024

6 October 2023: The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) leaves the countercyclical buffer (CCyB) rate unchanged at 1,0%, with effect as from 2 June 2024 

2 June 2023: The Central Bank of Cyprus decided to raise the CCyB rate from 0,5% to 1,0%, with effect as from 2 June 2024

11 April 2023: The Central Bank of Cyprus leaves the CCyB unchanged at 0,5% with effect as from 30 November 2023

1 December 2022: The CCyB rate is increased from 0% to 0,5%, with effect as from 30 November 2023


Current CCyB Rates in Europe as per the ESRB website and worldwide as per BCBS:

ESRB Website - Countercyclical capital buffer in EU

BCBS - Countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) worldwide