
O-SII capital buffer for Other Systemically Important Institutions - Credit institutions

The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC), in accordance with its policy for the designation of credit institutions that meet the definition of Other Systemically Important Institutions (O-SII) and the methodology for the determination of the O-SII buffer requirement, concluded on 4 March 2024 its annual reassessment of the designation of credit institutions that meet the definition of O-SII institutions for 2024. In accordance with the CBC's reassessment, five credit institutions have been designated as O-SII institutions, which are listed in the Table below, along with the corresponding O-SII capital buffer rate that each credit institution must meet and the phase in period (where an additional O-SII buffer requirement applies).

Institution’s name LEI code Total O-SII score
(Basis points*)
Total O-SII capital buffer requirement O-SII buffer requirement applicable as of 1 January:
2024** 2025


Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd PQ0RAP85KK9Z75ONZW93        3.774 2,00% 1,875% 1,9375%


Hellenic Bank Public Company Ltd CXUHEGU3MADZ2CEV7C11        2.787 1,75% 1,25% 1,50%


Eurobank Cyprus Ltd 5493004KSNEM4U7L8714           1.617 1,00% 0,75% 0,875%


Αlpha Bank Cyprus Ltd


             556 0,25% 0,25% 0,25%


Astrobank Ltd 549300VB6UM9TUOCYW67              411 0,25% 0,25% 0,25%


* The total score of the Cyprus credit institutions sector is 10.000 basis points.

** It was set during the annual reassesment that was concluded in 2023.

Information relating to the designation of credit institutions which meet the definition of O-SII institutions that took place in previous years, is set out in this file.