Mortgage Credit

Legislation on Mortgage Credit


Directives & Guidelines regarding Mortgage Credit

Authorisation and Supervision of Non-Credit Institutions and Credit Intermediaries providing Credit Agreements for Consumers relating to Residential Immovable Property Directive of 2018


Licensing Fees

In order to obtain the authorisation, an application should be submitted to the CBC together with all the information referred to in subsection (5) of section 34A of the Law. It is noted that the application must include a receipt of the payment of the relevant application fee which should be deposited in the account - "APPLICATION FEES" with IBAN CY65 0010 0001 0000 0000 0772 3042.

2020 Directive laying down the provisions for the payment of Licensing Fees by Non Credit Instututions and Credit Intermediaries


Application forms for non-credit institutions

Legal persons interested in obtaining an authorisation to operate a non-credit institution must complete form named NCI/Q1 and submit it to the CBC.

Direct and indirect corporate controllers of the applicant seeking to acquire a holding in a non-credit institution, must complete form named NCI/Q2 and submit it to the CBC.

Direct and indirect controllers (natural persons) of the applicant seeking to acquire a holding in a non-credit institution must complete form named NCI/Q3 and submit it to the CBC.

Regarding the members of the management body and key function holders of non-credit institutions, every candidate must complete form named NCI/Q4 and submit it to the CBC.

Applications and relevant documentation should be submitted via the CBC’s e-platform. For further details and relevant instructions please send an email request to


Application forms for Credit Intermediaries

Natural person interested in obtaining an authorisation as a credit intermediary must complete the form named CIN-CI and submit it to the CBC.

Legal persons interested in obtaining an authorisation to operate as a credit intermediary must complete form CIL-CI and submit it to the CBC.

Every legal person seeking to hold/acquire directly or indirectly a qualifying holding in a legal person applying for authorisation/authorised as credit intermediary must complete form named QHL-CI and submit it to the CBC.

Every natural person seeking to hold/acquire directly or indirectly a qualifying holding in a legal person applying for authorisation/authorised as credit intermediary must complete form named QHN-CI and submit it to the CBC.

Regarding the members of the management body and key function holders of a legal person applying for authorisation/authorised as credit intermediary, every candidate must complete form named MMB/CI and the "Time Commitment Table" and submit them to the CBC.

Applications and relevant documentation should be submitted via the CBC’s e-platform. For further details and relevant instructions please send an email request to


List of authorised non-credit institutions permitted to conclude credit contracts for customers in relation to immovable properties aimed for residential use


Register of Credit Intermediaries

Register of Credit Intermediaries authorised from other E.U. Member States which notified their intention to provide services in the Republic of Cyprus under the freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services