
26 July 2024
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
25 July 2024
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
23 July 2024
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of June 2024
23 July 2024
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 May 2024
22 July 2024
Bank holiday
20 July 2024
Ανακοίνωση της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας Κύπρου για την επέτειο της Τουρκικής Εισβολής στην Κύπρο
16 July 2024
Residential Property Price Index
15 July 2024
Κενή Θέση
9 July 2024
Presentation on the Digital Euro: the future of our currency
4 July 2024
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
4 July 2024
CIR Statistics June 2024
3 July 2024
Publication of External Statistics data
3 July 2024
Central Bank of Cyprus Annual Report for 2023
1 July 2024
The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged at 1%, with effect as from 2 ...
27 June 2024
Climate-related financial disclosures of the Central Bank of Cyprus EUR non-monetary policy portfolios
27 June 2024
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
19 June 2024
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of May 2024
19 June 2024
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of April 2024
18 June 2024
Ομιλία Διοικητή της ΚΤΚ, κ. Χριστόδουλου Πατσαλίδη, στην Ετήσια Γενική Συνέλευση του Συνδέσμου Τραπεζών Κύπρου
18 June 2024
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου Ιουνίου 2024 για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
18 June 2024
Παράδοση σκυτάλης: Ανέλαβε επίσημα δράση η Κυπριακή Επιτροπή Χρηματοοικονομικού Αλφαβητισμού και Παιδείας (ΚΕΧΑΠ)
13 June 2024
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
11 June 2024
Bank holiday
7 June 2024
Statistical Bulletin April 2024
7 June 2024
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 March 2024
7 June 2024
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
5 June 2024
Σύμβαση Εργοδότησης Ορισμένης Διάρκειας στην Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου
5 June 2024
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
4 June 2024
CIR Statistics May 2024
3 June 2024
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators of the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2023Q4
29 May 2024
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
28 May 2024
Ship Management Survey for the second half of 2023
24 May 2024
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 January 2024
22 May 2024
Investment Funds Statistics
15 May 2024
The Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank is meeting in Cyprus
14 May 2024
CIR Statistics April 2024
14 May 2024
Residential Property Price Index
10 May 2024
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of March 2024
8 May 2024
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
30 April 2024
Quarterly Financial Accounts
26 April 2024
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
26 April 2024
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
23 April 2024
Σύμβαση Εργοδότησης Ορισμένης Διάρκειας στην Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου
17 April 2024
Bank holidays
12 April 2024
Ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας εξηγεί την ανάγκη δημιουργίας οικογενειακού προϋπολογισμού
10 April 2024
Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου: Πέντε χρόνια σταθερότητας και ανάπτυξης
9 April 2024
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 December 2023
9 April 2024
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
8 April 2024
Προγραμμάτισε σωστά τα οικονομικά σου, εξασφάλισε το μέλλον σου
8 April 2024
Publication of External Statistics data
5 April 2024
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
4 April 2024
Designation of credit institutions as Other Systemically Important Institutions
4 April 2024
Ψηφιακές συναλλαγές: Τι πρέπει να προσέχουμε για να μην μας ξεγελάσουν οι επιτήδειοι;
4 April 2024
CIR Statistics March 2024
3 April 2024
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of February 2024
29 March 2024
Key takeaways of the International Conference of the Central Bank of Cyprus on Digital Financial Literacy
29 March 2024
Welcome Address Speech by the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, Mr Constantinos Herodotou, at the CBC ...
29 March 2024
The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged at 1%, with effect as from 2 ...
29 March 2024
Set of Cyprus euro coins with mint year 2024
28 March 2024
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
28 March 2024
Ο Διοικητής της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου κ. Κωνσταντίνος Ηροδότου εξηγεί γιατί είναι αναγκαίος ο ψηφιακός ...
27 March 2024
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
22 March 2024
Η Κεντρική Τράπεζα προωθεί τον χρηματοοικονομικό αλφαβητισμό με τη δημιουργία και προβολή σύντομων εκπαιδευτικών ...
22 March 2024
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου Μαρτίου 2024 για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
21 March 2024
CIR Statistics February 2024
15 March 2024
Η Κεντρική Τράπεζα συντονίζει το Global Money Week 2024 στην Κύπρο
15 March 2024
Διαγωνισμός 02/2024
15 March 2024
Διαγωνισμός 03/2024
14 March 2024
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of January 2024
6 March 2024
Bank holidays
4 March 2024
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
4 March 2024
Directive on the operation of the Central Information Register for the Issuers of Dishonoured Cheques of 2024
1 March 2024
Σε νέες βάσεις η συνεργασία της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου με την Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος
29 February 2024
Economic Bulletin
28 February 2024
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2023Q3
28 February 2024
Statistical Bulletin January 2024
27 February 2024
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
21 February 2024
Submission of requests for reduced payment of legal costs in relation to resolution and bonds cases
16 February 2024
Investment Funds Statistics
15 February 2024
CIR Statistics January 2024
13 February 2024
SRB launches its “SRM Vision 2028” Strategy at SRB Conference
12 February 2024
Διευκρινίσεις σε σχέση με πρόσφατη έκθεση της ΕΑΤ και δημοσιεύματα στον Τύπο
12 February 2024
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of December 2023
7 February 2024
Governor Pablo Hernández de Cos concludes productive visit to Cyprus
2 February 2024
1 February 2024
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 November 2023
1 February 2024
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
31 January 2024
Quarterly Financial Accounts
30 January 2024
Annual Bulletin on euro banknote counterfeiting
26 January 2024
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
26 January 2024
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
19 January 2024
Διαγωνισμός 13/2023
17 January 2024
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
17 January 2024
CIR Statistics December 2023
16 January 2024
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 October 2023
10 January 2024
Residential Property Price Index
5 January 2024
Publication of External Statistics data
5 January 2024
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
5 January 2024
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of November 2023
2 January 2024
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
22 December 2023
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου Δεκεμβρίου 2023 για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
20 December 2023
The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged at 1%, with effect as from 2 ...
18 December 2023
Financial Stability Report 2022
15 December 2023
Διεθνής Έρευνα ΟΟΣΑ για τον χρηματοοικονομικό αλφαβητισμό: Έλλειψη κατανόησης και δεξιοτήτων κατά τη λήψη ...
13 December 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
13 December 2023
Bank holidays
13 December 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 September 2023
11 December 2023
Speech of the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, Mr Constantinos Herodotou, at the 29th Annual Christmas Gala ...
11 December 2023
CIR Statistics November 2023
7 December 2023
Speech of the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus Mr Constantinos Herodotou at the 11th Banking Forum & Fintech ...
6 December 2023
Σε νέες βάσεις ο Χρηματοοικονομικός Αλφαβητισμός στην Κύπρο
4 December 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
1 December 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of October 2023
30 November 2023
Dr. Joachim Nagel, President of the Bundesbank, concludes visit to Cyprus
30 November 2023
ECB selects “European culture” and “Rivers and birds” as possible themes for future euro banknotes
28 November 2023
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
28 November 2023
“Developments in the European economy and the effect of monetary policy”
24 November 2023
Sale Of Cyprus Euro Coins with Mint Year 2023
24 November 2023
Issue Of Collector Coin with Theme Apollon Hylates
21 November 2023
Statistical Bulletin October 2023
17 November 2023
Investment Funds Statistics
16 November 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of September 2023
16 November 2023
Announcement by the Central Bank of Cyprus regarding recent reports in the Media
14 November 2023
9 November 2023
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2023Q2
8 November 2023
CIR Statistics October 2023
6 November 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 August 2023
2 November 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
31 October 2023
Quarterly Financial Accounts
30 October 2023
Παράταση προθεσμίας υποβολής αιτημάτων για μειωμένα δικηγορικά έξοδα για υποθέσεις εξυγίανσης και αξιογράφων
27 October 2023
Tender 08/2023
27 October 2023
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
26 October 2023
Residential Property Price Index
25 October 2023
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
25 October 2023
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
25 October 2023
The Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, Gabriel Makhlouf, concludes visit to Cyprus
23 October 2023
Ομιλία του Διοικητή της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου, κ. Κωνσταντίνου Ηροδότου, στη συνεδρία της Κοινοβουλευτικής ...
23 October 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 July 2023
19 October 2023
Ξεκινά το Έργο της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου (ΚΤΚ) για υλοποίηση της εξ αποστάσεως ταυτοποίησης στοιχείων ...
18 October 2023
Eurosystem proceeds to next phase of digital euro project
12 October 2023
CBC Governor’s participation in the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
11 October 2023
 CIR Statistics September 2023
11 October 2023
Ship Management Survey for the first half of 2023
10 October 2023
Designation of institutions as Other Systemically Important Institutions
10 October 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of August 2023
6 October 2023
Publication of External Statistics data
6 October 2023
The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged at 1%, with effect as from 2 ...
6 October 2023
Speech of the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, Mr Constantinos Herodotou, at the 14th Limassol Economic ...
5 October 2023
Conclusion of the Visit of the Vice President of the European Central Bank, Louis De Guindos, to Cyprus
4 October 2023
Governor's Welcome Address - 1st Central Bank of Cyprus Annual Conference: “The Role of Monetary Policy in ...
4 October 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
29 September 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 June 2023
29 September 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
29 September 2023
Speech by the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, Mr Constantinos Herodotou at the Association of Cyprus ...
27 September 2023
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
25 September 2023
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου Σεπτεμβρίου 2023 για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
20 September 2023
Speech by the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, Mr Constantinos Herodotou at the TechIsland Summit
14 September 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of July 2023
14 September 2023
CBC Governor’s Participation in the meeting of the ECB’s Governing Council and in the Informal EcoFin Meeting
11 September 2023
CIR Statistics August 2023
8 September 2023
Issue of a Commemorative Coin on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the establishment of the Central Bank of ...
8 September 2023
Set of Cyprus Euro Coins, Mint Year 2023
6 September 2023
Η Υποδιοικήτρια της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος κ. Παπακωνσταντίνου πραγματοποίησε επίσκεψη εργασίας στην Κεντρική ...
1 September 2023
Παράταση προθεσμίας υποβολής αιτημάτων για μειωμένα δικηγορικά έξοδα για υποθέσεις εξυγίανσης και αξιογράφων
1 September 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
31 August 2023
Economic Bulletin
28 August 2023
Συνάντηση του Διοικητή της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου με τον Σύνδεσμο Τραπεζών Κύπρου
28 August 2023
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
25 August 2023
Statistical Bulletin July 2023
17 August 2023
Investment Funds Statistics
9 August 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of June 2023
8 August 2023
CIR Statistics July 2023
2 August 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
1 August 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of May 2023
1 August 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of April 2023
1 August 2023
Residential Property Price Index
31 July 2023
Quarterly Financial Accounts
28 July 2023
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
28 July 2023
Διαγωνισμός 07/2023
26 July 2023
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
24 July 2023
Bank holiday
18 July 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 April 2023
14 July 2023
ECB surveys Europeans on new themes for euro banknotes
11 July 2023
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
10 July 2023
Διαδικασία υποβολής αιτημάτων για μειωμένα δικηγορικά έξοδα για υποθέσεις εξυγίανσης και αξιογράφων
10 July 2023
CIR Statistics June 2023
10 July 2023
CBC Governor’s participation in the Economist New York – Eastern Mediterranean Business Summit
7 July 2023
5 July 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
5 July 2023
José Manuel Campa concludes working visit to Cyprus
4 July 2023
How can Banks and Fintechs co-exist?
4 July 2023
Publication of External Statistics data
3 July 2023
Υποβολή αιτημάτων για μειωμένα δικηγορικά έξοδα για υποθέσεις εξυγίανσης και αξιογράφων
28 June 2023
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
28 June 2023
CBC Governor’s participation in the ECB’s Forum on Central Banking in Sintra
21 June 2023
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου Ιουνίου 2023 για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
21 June 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus Annual Report for 2022
20 June 2023
CBC Governor’s attendance and greeting at the Annual General Meeting of the Association of Cyprus Banks
20 June 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 March 2023
20 June 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
16 June 2023
Διαγωνισμός 06/2023
10 June 2023
Χαιρετισμός του Διοικητή της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου στο 55ο Τακτικό Παγκύπριο Συνέδριο της Ένωσης ...
8 June 2023
Statistical Bulletin April 2023
8 June 2023
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2022Q4
7 June 2023
Residential Property Price Index
6 June 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions 
2 June 2023
Ανακοίνωση της ΚΤΚ προς το κοινό σε σχέση με τα είδη επιτοκίων και κόστος δανείων
2 June 2023
Decision of the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) to increase the countercyclical buffer rate from 0,5% to 1,0% ...
2 June 2023
CIR Statistics May 2023
30 May 2023
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
26 May 2023
Διαγωνισμός 05/2023
26 May 2023
Bank holiday
24 May 2023
Investment Funds Statistics
23 May 2023
CBC Governor’s participation in the ECB Governing Council meeting and in the events organised for the 25th ...
18 May 2023
CBC Governor’s attendance at the 2023 ICPAC Mediterranean Finance Summit
17 May 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of March 2023
17 May 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 28 February 2023
16 May 2023
CBC Governor’s attendance at the Event “ESG Shaping the Economy”
11 May 2023
Προληπτικά μέτρα της ΚΤΚ για την προστασία των εργαζόμενών της
11 May 2023
Ομιλία Διοικητή της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου στο Επιχειρηματικό Δείπνο Μελών ΟΕΒ Επαρχίας Αμμοχώστου
9 May 2023
CBC Governor’s participation in the 13th Nicosia Economic Congress
8 May 2023
CIR Statistics April 2023
5 May 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
2 May 2023
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
2 May 2023
Quarterly Financial Accounts
28 April 2023
CBC Governor’s Participation in the Informal EcoFin Meeting
28 April 2023
Διαγωνισμός 02/2023
28 April 2023
Διαγωνισμός 14/2022
28 April 2023
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
27 April 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 January 2023
26 April 2023
Ship Management Survey for the second half of 2022
24 April 2023
Bank holiday
11 April 2023
The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged at 0,5%, with effect as from 30 ...
6 April 2023
CIR Statistics March 2023
5 April 2023
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
5 April 2023
Publication of External Statistics data
5 April 2023
ECB's Chief Economist Philip Lane visits Cyprus
5 April 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of February 2023
4 April 2023
Bank holidays
31 March 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions 
29 March 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus Financial Statements as at 31 December 2022
27 March 2023
Ανακοίνωση για ΜΕΧ
27 March 2023
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
27 March 2023
Climate-related financial disclosures of the Central Bank of Cyprus EUR non-monetary policy portfolios
24 March 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 December 2022
24 March 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
24 March 2023
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου Μαρτίου 2023 για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
23 March 2023
Successful launch of new T2 payment system
22 March 2023
Ξεκίνησε στην Κύπρο το Global Money Week 2023 με συντονιστή την Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου
21 March 2023
Συνάντηση του Διοικητή της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου με τους Ανώτατους Εκτελεστικούς Διευθυντές ...
20 March 2023
Ανακοίνωση ΚΤΚ
10 March 2023
International Conference on “Financial Literacy and Education in Cyprus: Challenges, lessons from other countries ...
10 March 2023
Διαγωνισμός 01/2023
7 March 2023
Διεθνές Συνέδριο για τον Χρηματοοικονομικό Αλφαβητισμό από την Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου
7 March 2023
Economic Trends & Outlook for Euro Area, Impact of ECB Monetary Policy & Outlook for Cyprus Economy
6 March 2023
CIR Statistics February 2023
6 March 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of January 2023
3 March 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
3 March 2023
Διαγωνισμός 04/2022
28 February 2023
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
24 February 2023
Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου: Διενέργεια έργου με στόχο την περαιτέρω μείωση των ΜΕΧ και την ενίσχυση της ...
21 February 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of December 2022
17 February 2023
17 February 2023
Statistical Bulletin January 2023
17 February 2023
Investment Funds Statistics
17 February 2023
Bank holiday
10 February 2023
CIR Statistics January 2023
6 February 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 November 2022
3 February 2023
Residential Property Price Index
3 February 2023
Διαγωνισμός 19/2022
2 February 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions 
1 February 2023
Portfolio Investment
1 February 2023
Foreign Direct Investment
31 January 2023
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2022Q3
31 January 2023
Quarterly Financial Accounts
30 January 2023
Annual Bulletin on euro banknote counterfeiting
27 January 2023
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
27 January 2023
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
26 January 2023
Economic Bulletin
24 January 2023
Reference to ECB press release on climate-related statistical indicators
20 January 2023
The global debt trap – the implications for growth and possible solutions to tackle it
19 January 2023
CIR Statistics December 2022
19 January 2023
Andrea Enria concludes his visit to the Central Bank of Cyprus
13 January 2023
The ECB's Young Economist Prize
9 January 2023
Δημοσίευση σύμφωνα με το εδάφιο (6Α)(α) του άρθρου 59 του περί της Παρεμπόδισης και Καταπολέμησης της ...
9 January 2023
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 October 2022
4 January 2023
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
3 January 2023
Publication of External Statistics data
2 January 2023
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of November 2022
29 December 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
22 December 2022
The Retail Payments Landscape in Cyprus
20 December 2022
The Central Bank of Cyprus encourages financial innovation through the Innovation Hub
19 December 2022
Bank holidays
16 December 2022
Διαγωνισμός 17/2022
16 December 2022
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου Δεκεμβρίου 2022 για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
12 December 2022
Ημερίδα για τους Καθηγητές Οικονομικών Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης με θέμα την ανάγκη ενίσχυσης της Χρηματοοικονομικής ...
12 December 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 September 2022
12 December 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
9 December 2022
Press Release - “Technology ensures the viability of the banking sector”
7 December 2022
Governor’s participation in the Bloomberg Global Regulatory Forum 2022
5 December 2022
CIR Statistics November 2022
5 December 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of October 2022
2 December 2022
Designation of institutions as Other Systemically Important Institutions
2 December 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
1 December 2022
Decision of the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) to increase the countercyclical buffer rate from 0% to 0,5% effective ...
29 November 2022
Χαιρετισμός του Διοικητή της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου στην τελετή απονομής βραβείων για πράσινες δημόσιες ...
28 November 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
25 November 2022
Statistical Bulletin October 2022
24 November 2022
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
18 November 2022
Investment Funds Statistics
17 November 2022
Announcement according to Section 42B of the Business of Credit Institutions Law 66(Ι)/1997, as was subsequently ...
11 November 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of September 2022
9 November 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of August 2022
9 November 2022
Issue of collector coin with theme Diovolo of the Ancient Kingdom of Amathous
3 November 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
3 November 2022
CIR Statistics October 2022
1 November 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 August 2022
31 October 2022
Quarterly Financial Accounts
27 October 2022
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
26 October 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
24 October 2022
Ομιλία του Διοικητή της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου, κ. Κωνσταντίνου Ηροδότου, στη συνεδρία της Κοινοβουλευτικής ...
24 October 2022
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2022Q2
21 October 2022
Governor’s introduction at the 13th Limassol Economic Forum
20 October 2022
ECB Press Release on the T2-T2S Consolidation Project
20 October 2022
Sale of Cyprus Euro Coins with Mint Year 2022
19 October 2022
Speech by the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus at the Distinguished Speakers Seminar of the European ...
18 October 2022
Bank holiday
14 October 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 July 2022
11 October 2022
Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank
7 October 2022
Ship Management Survey for the first half of 2022
6 October 2022
Residential Property Price Index
5 October 2022
The Governing Council of the European Central Bank is meeting in Cyprus
4 October 2022
C. Lagarde and C. Herodotou held an insightful discussion with local universities’ students
4 October 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
4 October 2022
Christine Lagarde and Constantinos Herodotou in open discussion with students
3 October 2022
Publication of External Statistics data
29 September 2022
Notification of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 October 2022 – 31 December 2022
29 September 2022
Speech by the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus at the Deloitte Annual Conference
27 September 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
22 September 2022
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου Σεπτεμβρίου 2022 για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
19 September 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 June 2022
19 September 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
14 September 2022
Χαιρετισμός Διοικητή στην Ετήσια Γενική Συνέλευση του Συνδέσμου Τραπεζών
13 September 2022
Speech by the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus at the London Business School Alumni Cyprus Club event
8 September 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of July 2022
6 September 2022
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
2 September 2022
CIR Statistics August 2022
1 September 2022
Initiative of the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus to speed-up banking operations
1 September 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
29 August 2022
Set of Cyprus Euro Coins, Mint Year 2022
26 August 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
17 August 2022
Investment Funds Statistics
16 August 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 May 2022
12 August 2022
Statistical Bulletin June 2022
12 August 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 April 2022
9 August 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of June 2022
9 August 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of May 2022
3 August 2022
3 August 2022
Η Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου υπογράφει τον Χάρτη Ισότητας, Διαφορετικότητας και Συμπερίληψης του Ευρωπαϊκού ...
2 August 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
2 August 2022
Bank holiday
1 August 2022
Quarterly Financial Accounts
29 July 2022
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
28 July 2022
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
27 July 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
22 July 2022
Economic Bulletin
18 July 2022
Financial Stability Report 2021
14 July 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
14 July 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 March 2022
8 July 2022
Governor's speech at the 26th Annual Economist Government Roundtable
5 July 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
1 July 2022
Residential Property Price Index
30 June 2022
Publication of External Statistics data
29 June 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
28 June 2022
Notification of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 July 2022 – 30 September 2022
28 June 2022
Δρομολογείται η εφαρμογή Εθνικής Στρατηγικής για την προώθηση του Χρηματοοικονομικού Αλφαβητισμού και της ...
24 June 2022
Διαγωνισμός για την προμήθεια, εγκατάσταση και διαμόρφωση εξοπλισμού υποδομής πληροφορικής (disk array storage ...
10 June 2022
Issue of a common commemorative coin on the occasion of thirty five years of existence of the ERASMUS+ Programme
10 June 2022
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου του Ιουνίου 2022 για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
7 June 2022
CIR Statistics May 2022
6 June 2022
Ανακοίνωση Κενών Θέσεων - Υποστηρικτικό Προσωπικό / Τεχνικός
3 June 2022
Bank holiday
2 June 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
1 June 2022
Έκδοση Διατάγματος Εκκαθάρισης και Τερματισμός Μέτρων Εξυγίανσης στη Cyprus Popular Bank Public Co Ltd
30 May 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 28 February 2022
30 May 2022
Announcement according to subsection (6A)(a) of section 59 of the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering ...
27 May 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of April 2022
27 May 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
27 May 2022
Διαγωνισμός για την Προμήθεια, Εγκατάσταση και Διαμόρφωση Συστήματος Αυτοματοποίησης των Αρχείων Αποφάσεων και ...
25 May 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of March 2022
23 May 2022
Investment Funds Statistics
20 May 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus Annual Report for 2021
20 May 2022
Διαγωνισμός για Παροχή Υπηρεσιών Ασφάλειας και Αξιολόγησης της Ασφάλειας των Συστημάτων/Υπηρεσιών Πληροφορικής της ...
19 May 2022
Ανακοίνωση για τις διαδικασίες πλήρωσης κενών θέσεων
18 May 2022
Statistical Bulletin April 2022
11 May 2022
CIR Statistics April 2022
9 May 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of February 2022
5 May 2022
Speech by Constantinos Herodotou, Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, at the ICPAC Mediterranean Finance ...
5 May 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
5 May 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 January 2022
2 May 2022
Quarterly Financial Accounts
29 April 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
29 April 2022
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
15 April 2022
Ship Management Survey for the second half of 2021
13 April 2022
Bank holidays
13 April 2022
Residential Property Price Index
4 April 2022
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
31 March 2022
Christine Lagarde concludes working visit to Cyprus
31 March 2022
Publication of External Statistics data
31 March 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 December 2021
31 March 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
31 March 2022
Notification of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 April 2022 – 30 June 2022
31 March 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of January 2022
31 March 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of December 2021
31 March 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
30 March 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus Financial Statements as at 31 December 2021
30 March 2022
Speech by Constantinos Herodotou, Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus during Ms Lagarde visit to Cyprus
28 March 2022
The President of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde will travel to Cyprus this week
24 March 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
17 March 2022
Κοινή πρωτοβουλία του Διοικητή της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου και του Διοικητή της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος για τον ...
17 March 2022
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2021Q3
17 March 2022
Bank holidays
3 March 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
28 February 2022
Bank holiday
25 February 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 November 2021
25 February 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
18 February 2022
Governor's speech - Recent developments in housing markets and related policy challenges, HL conference organised ...
18 February 2022
Investment Funds Statistics
15 February 2022
European System of Central Banks renews Statements of Commitment to FX Global Code
11 February 2022
Προκήρυξη Διαγωνισμού - Ανάθεση Σύμβασης για την Παροχή Υπηρεσιών Καθαρισμού και Συντήρησης του Κτηρίου της ...
10 February 2022
Governor's speech - Annual General Meeting of the Association of Cyprus International Financial Firms (ACIFF)
8 February 2022
Statistical Bulletin - January 2022
4 February 2022
Προκήρυξη Διαγωνισμού για Αγορά Συστήματος και Υπηρεσιών Παρακολούθησης Συμβάντων Ασφαλείας Συστημάτων ...
3 February 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
31 January 2022
Visit by Ms Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank to Cyprus
31 January 2022
Quarterly Financial Accounts
28 January 2022
Annual Bulletin on euro banknote counterfeiting
28 January 2022
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
28 January 2022
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
27 January 2022
Reassessment of the designation of CIFs as Other Systemically Important Institutions
26 January 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 Οctober 2021
21 January 2022
Ο Λογαριασμός Πληρωμών με Βασικά Χαρακτηριστικά περιλαμβάνει κάρτα πληρωμών
21 January 2022
Residential Property Price Index
20 January 2022
Εκσυγχρονισμός Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου (ΚΤΚ) - Συμφωνία μεταξύ ΚΤΚ και ΕΤΥΚ για την αναδιοργάνωση της ...
17 January 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of November 2021
14 January 2022
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of October 2021
12 January 2022
Portfolio Investment
12 January 2022
Foreign Direct Investment
12 January 2022
Δημοσίευση Διοικητικής Κύρωσης σύμφωνα με το Άρθρο 102 των περί της Παροχής και Χρήσης Υπηρεσιών Πληρωμών και ...
12 January 2022
Δημοσίευση Διοικητικής Κύρωσης σύμφωνα με το Άρθρο 42Β των περί Εργασιών Πιστωτικών Ιδρυμάτων Νόμων του 1997 έως ...
11 January 2022
CIR Statistics December 2021
7 January 2022
Κενές Θέσεις
7 January 2022
Παροχή υπηρεσιών από ομάδα Συμβούλων Μελετητών για εκπόνηση μελετών και πλήρη επίβλεψη εργασιών συντήρησης και ...
7 January 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 September 2021
7 January 2022
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
7 January 2022
Κεντρική Τράπεζα Κύπρου: Ο Λογαριασμός Πληρωμών Με Βασικά Χαρακτηριστικά θωρακίζει τους καταναλωτές σε σχέση με ...
5 January 2022
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
5 January 2022
Economic Bulletin
30 December 2021
Publication of External Statistics data
29 December 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
28 December 2021
Τοποθέτηση ΚΤΚ για το θέμα της τιμολογιακής πολιτικής των πιστωτικών ιδρυμάτων
27 December 2021
Bank holiday
24 December 2021
Notification of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 January 2022 – 31 March 2022
21 December 2021
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
17 December 2021
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις Δεκεμβρίου 2021 για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
17 December 2021
Reference to ECB press release
13 December 2021
Διοικητής Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου: Πρωτοβουλία για επιτάχυνση τραπεζικών εργασιών
9 December 2021
Announcement according to subsection (6A)(a) of section 59 of the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering ...
8 December 2021
Ο εκσυγχρονισμός του τραπεζικού κλάδου καταλύτης στη νέα ψηφιακή εποχή
8 December 2021
Fintech Evolution in the Banking System and Managing Consequent risks
6 December 2021
Ομιλία του Διοικητή της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου, κ. Κωνσταντίνου Ηροδότου, στη συνεδρία της Κοινοβουλευτικής ...
2 December 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
29 November 2021
Issue of collector coins with theme 60 Years from the Accession of Cyprus to UNESCO
29 November 2021
Designation of credit institutions as Other Systemically Important Institutions
26 November 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
26 November 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 August 2021
23 November 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of September 2021
22 November 2021
Δημοσίευση σύμφωνα με το εδάφιο (6Α)(α) του άρθρου 59 του περί της Παρεμπόδισης και Καταπολέμησης της ...
18 November 2021
Investment Funds Statistics
11 November 2021
Ship Management Survey for the first half of 2021
5 November 2021
Statistical Bulletin October 2021
3 November 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
2 November 2021
Απόφαση Επαρχιακού Δικαστηρίου Λευκωσίας σε αγωγή κατά των διαταγμάτων για εφαρμογή μέτρων εξυγίανσης τον Μάρτιο ...
1 November 2021
Quarterly Financial Accounts
29 October 2021
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
27 October 2021
Announcement according to subsection (6A)(a) of section 59 of the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering ...
27 October 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
26 October 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 July 2021
25 October 2021
Ομιλία του Διοικητή της ΚΤΚ κ. Κωνσταντίνου Ηροδότου στο 12th Limassol Economic Forum
22 October 2021
The Significance of being Financially Literate and National Strategies for achieving it
21 October 2021
Bank holiday
18 October 2021
Residential Property Price Index
15 October 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of August 2021
6 October 2021
Report of an alleged infringement
5 October 2021
Publication of External Statistics data
5 October 2021
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
4 October 2021
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2021Q1
30 September 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 June 2021
30 September 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
30 September 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
30 September 2021
Επιστολή Ηροδότου για βραχυπρόθεσμες αναδιαρθρώσεις και διαφάνεια στις χρεώσεις
29 September 2021
Setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 October 2021 – 31 December 2021
27 September 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
24 September 2021
Όλοι μαζί για να προστατευτούμε από τις ηλεκτρονικές απάτες
21 September 2021
Bank holiday
21 September 2021
Δημοσίευση Διοικητικής Κύρωσης σύμφωνα με το Άρθρο 42Β των περί Εργασιών Πιστωτικών Ιδρυμάτων Νόμων του 1997 έως ...
6 September 2021
Συμφωνία 10 σημείων για την εύρυθμη λειτουργία της τραπεζικής αγοράς – Τι αποφασίστηκε στη σύσκεψη τραπεζών και ...
2 September 2021
Συνάντηση Διοικητή για τρέχοντα θέματα που απασχολούν τον επιχειρηματικό κόσμο και τους επαγγελματικούς φορείς
1 September 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of July 2021
1 September 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
30 August 2021
Συναντήσεις Διοικητή για τρέχοντα θέματα που απασχολούν τον επιχειρηματικό κόσμο και τους επαγγελματικούς φορείς
26 August 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
25 August 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 May 2021
24 August 2021
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
20 August 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of June 2021
20 August 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of May 2021
17 August 2021
Investment Funds Statistics
4 August 2021
Statistical Bulletin July 2021
2 August 2021
Quarterly Financial Accounts
2 August 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
30 July 2021
Όλοι μαζί για να προστατευτούμε από τις ηλεκτρονικές απάτες
30 July 2021
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
27 July 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
23 July 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 April 2021
16 July 2021
Submission of applications to the CBC for licensing / approval purposes in an e-readable format, effective as from ...
8 July 2021
New Monetary Policy Strategy published by ECB
5 July 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
2 July 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 March 2021
2 July 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
1 July 2021
Economic Bulletin
30 June 2021
Publication of External Statistics data
25 June 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
24 June 2021
Residential Property Price Index
15 June 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of April 2021
11 June 2021
Bank holiday
11 June 2021
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις Ιουνίου 2021 για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
7 June 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
4 June 2021
Setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 July 2021 – 30 September 2021
31 May 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
27 May 2021
Sale of Cyprus Euro Coins with Mint Year 2021
21 May 2021
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
21 May 2021
Investment Funds Statistics
20 May 2021
Release of a new visual publication on inflation
19 May 2021
Financial Stability Report 2020
19 May 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus Annual Report for 2020
17 May 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 28 February 2021
13 May 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of March 2021
11 May 2021
Statistical Bulletin April 2021
6 May 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
29 April 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 January 2021
29 April 2021
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
29 April 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
29 April 2021
Quarterly Financial Accounts
29 April 2021
Residential Property Price Index
28 April 2021
Ship Management Survey for the second half of 2020
28 April 2021
CBC Statement regarding cryptocurrencies / virtual currencies
23 April 2021
Bank holidays
15 April 2021
Set of Cyprus Euro Coins, Mint Year 2021
9 April 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of February 2021
8 April 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 December 2020
8 April 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
31 March 2021
Publication of External Statistics data
31 March 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
26 March 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus Financial Statements as at 31 December 2020
26 March 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
23 March 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of January 2021
17 March 2021
Bank holidays
12 March 2021
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2020Q3
12 March 2021
Διαγωνισμός για την παροχή υπηρεσιών συντήρησης των εξωτερικών χώρων πρασίνου και των φυτών εσωτερικού και ...
5 March 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 November 2020
3 March 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
2 March 2021
Bank holiday
25 February 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
24 February 2021
Setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 April 2021 – 30 June 2021
19 February 2021
Investment Funds Statistics
15 February 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of December 2020
12 February 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 October 2020
10 February 2021
Eurosystem agrees on common stance for climate change-related sustainable investments
9 February 2021
Statistical Bulletin January 2021
4 February 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
1 February 2021
Quarterly Financial Accounts
29 January 2021
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
29 January 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
29 January 2021
Call for the expression of interest in the appointment of members of the Board of Appeal of the European ...
22 January 2021
Residential Property Price Index
22 January 2021
Annual Bulletin on euro banknote counterfeiting
22 January 2021
Διαγωνισμός για την Προμήθεια, Εγκατάσταση και Συντήρηση Εξοπλισμού Συστήματος Διαχείρισης Κτηρίου
20 January 2021
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
18 January 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 30 September 2020
18 January 2021
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
12 January 2021
Foreign Direct Investment
9 January 2021
Αποφάσεις ΚΤΚ που στοχεύουν σε άμβλυνση των αρνητικών συνεπειών της πανδημίας
5 January 2021
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of November 2020
5 January 2021
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
5 January 2021
CIR Statistics December 2020
4 January 2021
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
31 December 2020
Publication of External Statistics data
23 December 2020
Economic Bulletin
18 December 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 August 2020
17 December 2020
Μακροοικονομικές Προβλέψεις για την Κυπριακή Οικονομία
16 December 2020
Commemorative coin on the occasion of thirty years of existence of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
15 December 2020
Bank holidays
14 December 2020
Issue of a commemorative coin on the occasion of thirty years of existence of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology ...
11 December 2020
Issue of a commemorative coin on the occasion of thirty years of existence of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology ...
10 December 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of October 2020
3 December 2020
Publication of a policy of the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) for macroprudential purposes
2 December 2020
CIR Statistics November 2020
2 December 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
27 November 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 July 2020
26 November 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
24 November 2020
Setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 January 2021 – 31 March 2021
23 November 2020
Residential Property Price Index
19 November 2020
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
17 November 2020
Investment Funds Statistics
13 November 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of September 2020
11 November 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 June 2020
11 November 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
9 November 2020
Issue of a silver collector coin with theme “Leda and the Swan”
4 November 2020
Statistical Bulletin October 2020
3 November 2020
Ship Management Survey for the first half of 2020
3 November 2020
CIR Statistics October 2020
2 November 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
2 November 2020
Quarterly Financial Accounts
30 October 2020
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
30 October 2020
Διαγωνισμός για την ανανέωση συνδρομών και συντήρηση προϊόντων Check Point
27 October 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
16 October 2020
Tender for the supply, installation, configuration and maintenance of a perimeter email protection system
14 October 2020
Δήλωση του Διοικητή της ΚΤΚ κ. Κωνσταντίνου Ηροδότου σε σχέση με τα όσα έφερε στο φως το δημοσιογραφικό δίκτυο Al ...
13 October 2020
Bank holiday
12 October 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 May 2020
5 October 2020
Publication of External Statistics data
5 October 2020
CIR Statistics September 2020
30 September 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of August 2020
30 September 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
25 September 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
25 September 2020
European Commission competition for the design of a commemorative coin of €2 to be issued in 2022 for the 35th ...
22 September 2020
Bank holiday
14 September 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 30 April 2020
14 September 2020
Setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 October 2020 – 31 December 2020
7 September 2020
CIR Statistics August 2020
4 September 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of July 2020
2 September 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
1 September 2020
Designation of five Cyprus Investment Firms as Other Systemically Important Institutions
27 August 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
25 August 2020
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2020Q1
20 August 2020
Κενές Θέσεις - Εργοδότηση με Σύμβαση
19 August 2020
Residential Property Price Index
17 August 2020
Investment Funds Statistics
10 August 2020
CIR Statistics July 2020
7 August 2020
Διατάγματα για καθορισμό εύλογων τελών στα πλαίσια του Περί Συγκρισιμότητας των Τελών, της Αλλαγής Λογαριασμού ...
6 August 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 31 March 2020
6 August 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
4 August 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of June 2020
31 July 2020
Implementation by the CBC of Recommendation ESRB/2020/07 of the European Systemic Risk Board on the restriction of ...
31 July 2020
Σύσταση της ΚΤΚ για τη μη διανομή μερίσματος και εξαγοράς ιδίων μετοχών κατά τη διάρκεια της πανδημίας του ...
31 July 2020
Statistical Bulletin July 2020
31 July 2020
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
31 July 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
31 July 2020
Quarterly Financial Accounts
29 July 2020
European Central Bank interactive digital publication “Statistics insights: Money, credit and central bank ...
28 July 2020
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
27 July 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
24 July 2020
Προκήρυξη Διαγωνισμού για την παροχή στην Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου υπηρεσιών ασφαλιστικών καλύψεων
24 July 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing loans data) with reference date 29 February 2020
22 July 2020
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2019Q4
16 July 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector and credit acquiring companies’ data (suspended credit facilities data) which are ...
6 July 2020
CIR Statistics June 2020
3 July 2020
Economic Bulletin
3 July 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
1 July 2020
Sale of Cyprus euro coins with mint year 2020
30 June 2020
Publication of External Statistics data
30 June 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector and credit acquiring companies’ data (suspended credit facilities data) which are ...
29 June 2020
Setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 July 2020 – 30 September 2020
26 June 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
19 June 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of May 2020
19 June 2020
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
19 June 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 31 January 2020
12 June 2020
Residential Property Price Index
11 June 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector and credit acquiring companies’ data (suspended credit facilities data) which are ...
5 June 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
4 June 2020
CIR Statistics May 2020
3 June 2020
The Central Bank of Cyprus is now live on MAPS
3 June 2020
Set of Cyprus euro coins with mint year 2020
29 May 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
28 May 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of April 2020
28 May 2020
Ετήσια Έκθεση της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου για το 2019
28 May 2020
Bank holiday
27 May 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 31 December 2019
27 May 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
25 May 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector and credit acquiring companies’ data (suspended credit facilities data) which are ...
22 May 2020
Residential Property Price Index
22 May 2020
Investment Funds Statistics
22 May 2020
Tender for the Supply, Installation and Configuration of a Request and Incident Processing and Management System
14 May 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector and credit acquiring companies' data (suspended credit facilities data) which are ...
8 May 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of March 2020
7 May 2020
Designation of credit institutions as Other Systemically Important Institutions
6 May 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
5 May 2020
Reference to ECB publication
5 May 2020
CIR Statistics April 2020
30 April 2020
Αναθεώρηση μέτρων σε σχέση με τη λειτουργία του Κεντρικού Αρχείου Πληροφοριών για Εκδότες Ακάλυπτων Επιταγών
30 April 2020
Quarterly Financial Accounts
28 April 2020
Statistical Bulletin April 2020
28 April 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
24 April 2020
Reference to ECB publication on the collection of statistical information in the context of COVID-19
24 April 2020
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
22 April 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of February 2020
22 April 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of January 2020
16 April 2020
Ship Management Survey for the second half of 2019
10 April 2020
Εισφορά της ΚΤΚ προς το Υπουργείο Υγείας ύψους €1 εκ. για αντιμετώπιση των συνεπειών της πανδημίας Covid-19
10 April 2020
Πρόσθετο μέτρο της ΚΤΚ για στήριξη της οικονομίας προς αντιμετώπιση των συνεπειών του COVID-19
8 April 2020
Foreign Direct Investment
7 April 2020
Εφαρμογή μέτρων της ΚΤΚ προς όλες τις Εταιρείες Εξαγοράς Πιστώσεων
7 April 2020
Σύσταση της ΚΤΚ προς όλα τα Λιγότερο Σημαντικά Πιστωτικά Ιδρύματα
6 April 2020
CIR Statistics March 2020
3 April 2020
Ο Περί της Λήψης Έκτακτων Μέτρων από Χρηματοοικονομικούς Οργανισμούς και Εποπτικές Αρχές Νόμος του 2020
2 April 2020
Η Εθνική Επιτροπή Πληρωμών καλεί τους χρήστες και παρόχους των υπηρεσιών πληρωμών να πραγματοποιούν πληρωμές ...
2 April 2020
Bank holidays
31 March 2020
Εφαρμογή μέτρων που εξέδωσε η Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου - Βραχυπρόθεσμες αναδιαρθρώσεις
31 March 2020
Publication of External Statistics data
31 March 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
31 March 2020
Οι περί των Διαδικασιών Χορήγησης Νέων και Αναθεώρησης Υφιστάμενων Πιστωτικών Διευκολύνσεων Οδηγίες του 2016 έως ...
27 March 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 30 November 2019
26 March 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
26 March 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus Financial Statements as at 31 December 2019
24 March 2020
Μέτρα σε σχέση με τη λειτουργία του Κεντρικού Αρχείου Πληροφοριών για Εκδότες Ακάλυπτων Επιταγών
18 March 2020
Δέσμη Μέτρων ΚΤΚ για αντιμετώπιση συνεπειών του COVID-19
16 March 2020
Ανακοίνωση ΚΤΚ - Επίδραση των αποφάσεων του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της Ευρωπαϊκής Κεντρικής Τράπεζας (ΕΚΤ) στο ...
16 March 2020
Bank holidays
9 March 2020
Provision of project management services to the Central Bank of Cyprus for the implementation of records ...
4 March 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
27 February 2020
Setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 April 2020 – 30 June 2020
27 February 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
20 February 2020
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2019Q3
20 February 2020
Investment Funds Statistics
17 February 2020
Bank holiday
14 February 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 30 September 2019
14 February 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
13 February 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of December 2019
6 February 2020
Complaints by Customers of Credit Acquiring Companies (CACs)
4 February 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
31 January 2020
Quarterly Financial Accounts
31 January 2020
Κενές Θέσεις
31 January 2020
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
29 January 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
24 January 2020
Biannual Bulletin on euro banknote counterfeiting
17 January 2020
Statistical Bulletin January 2020
15 January 2020
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
14 January 2020
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 31 August 2019
9 January 2020
CIR Statistics December 2019
8 January 2020
Residential Property Price Index
7 January 2020
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
3 January 2020
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of November 2019
2 January 2020
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
30 December 2019
Publication of External Statistics data
24 December 2019
Implementation period for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for online card payments
23 December 2019
Economic Bulletin
20 December 2019
Προκήρυξη Διαγωνισμού 14-2019: Προμήθεια αδειών χρήσης λογισμικού Microsoft και συντήρησης υφιστάμενων αδειών ...
17 December 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 31 July 2019
13 December 2019
Προκήρυξη Διαγωνισμού για την παροχή στην Κεντρική Τράπεζα υπηρεσιών για τη διεξαγωγή δειγματοληπτικής έρευνας για ...
10 December 2019
Bank holidays
10 December 2019
Setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 January 2020 – 31 March 2020
9 December 2019
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of October 2019
4 December 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
4 December 2019
CIR Statistics November 2019
28 November 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
20 November 2019
Investment Funds Statistics
15 November 2019
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
14 November 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 30 June 2019
14 November 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
12 November 2019
Issue of a silver collector coin with theme 30th anniversary of the founding of the University of Cyprus
8 November 2019
Residential Property Price Index
6 November 2019
Ship Management Survey for the first half of 2019
1 November 2019
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2019Q1
31 October 2019
Statistical Bulletin October 2019
31 October 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
31 October 2019
Quarterly Financial Accounts
29 October 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
25 October 2019
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
24 October 2019
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of September 2019
16 October 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 31 May 2019
14 October 2019
Publication of External Statistics data
11 October 2019
Bank holiday
11 October 2019
Designation of credit institutions as Other Systemically Important Institutions
2 October 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
26 September 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
23 September 2019
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of August 2019
23 September 2019
Sale of Cyprus euro coins with mint year 2019
20 September 2019
The Central Bank of Cyprus joins MAPS, the Treasury Management System for Central Banks provided by Banque de ...
19 September 2019
Bank holiday
19 September 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 30 April 2019
11 September 2019
Setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 October 2019 – 31 December 2019
3 September 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
2 September 2019
Communication to the payments industry on strong customer authentication (SCA) from 14 September 2019
28 August 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
21 August 2019
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of July 2019
16 August 2019
Investment Funds Statistics
12 August 2019
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of May 2019 and June 2019
7 August 2019
Residential Property Price Index
6 August 2019
Press Release regarding the changes in the euro area benchmark rates
6 August 2019
CIR Statistics July 2019
5 August 2019
Bank holiday
1 August 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
1 August 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 31 March 2019
31 July 2019
Revocation of licence granted to Joint-stock company Avtovazbank to operate a branch in Cyprus
31 July 2019
Revocation of licence granted to Promsvyazbank PJSC to operate a branch in Cyprus
31 July 2019
Statistical Bulletin July 2019
31 July 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
31 July 2019
Quarterly Financial Accounts
26 July 2019
Biannual Bulletin on euro banknote counterfeiting
26 July 2019
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
24 July 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
5 July 2019
Financial Stability Report 2018 – English edition
5 July 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
3 July 2019
Withdrawal of the authorisation of USB Bank PLC
1 July 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
28 June 2019
Publication of External Statistics data
28 June 2019
Tender for the production, packaging and delivery of Cyprus euro circulation coins (incl. commemorative coins) and ...
26 June 2019
Economic Bulletin
21 June 2019
Contract for the support of SWIFT infrastructure and its ancillary systems
21 June 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 28 February 2019
18 June 2019
Setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 July 2019 – 30 September 2019
10 June 2019
Bank holiday
4 June 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
31 May 2019
Financial Stability Report 2018
30 May 2019
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of April 2019
28 May 2019
New €100 and €200 banknotes start circulating today
28 May 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
23 May 2019
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
22 May 2019
Investment Funds Statistics
17 May 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 31 January 2019
7 May 2019
Statistical Bulletin April 2019
7 May 2019
Ship Management Survey for the second half of 2018
6 May 2019
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2018Q4
6 May 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
3 May 2019
Quarterly Financial Accounts
25 April 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
25 April 2019
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
24 April 2019
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of March 2019
22 April 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
22 April 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 31 December 2018
19 April 2019
Bank holidays
19 April 2019
Set of Cyprus euro coins, mint year 2019
10 April 2019
CIR Statistics March 2019
5 April 2019
CBC Annual Report for 2018
3 April 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
29 March 2019
Publication of External Statistics data
29 March 2019
Διαγωνισμός για την προμήθεια, εγκατάσταση, διαμόρφωση και μετέπειτα συντήρηση και υποστήριξη εξοπλισμού δικτύου
29 March 2019
Central Bank of Cyprus Financial Statements as at 31 December 2018
28 March 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
28 March 2019
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of February 2019
26 March 2019
CIR Statistics February 2019
19 March 2019
Setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate for the period 1 April 2019 – 30 June 2019
19 March 2019
Συμβάσεις Εργοδότησης Ορισμένης Διάρκειας στην Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Κύπρου
18 March 2019
Οι καθυστερήσεις στην Κύπρο στην απονομή δικαιοσύνης, οι κοινωνικοοικονομικές επιπτώσεις και οι επερχόμενες ...
15 March 2019
Bank holidays
13 March 2019
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
13 March 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 30 November 2018
8 March 2019
Διαγωνισμός για την προμήθεια, εγκατάσταση και διαμόρφωση συστημάτων δίσκων αποθήκευσης και εξυπηρετητών υποδομής ...
5 March 2019
Residential Property Price Index
5 March 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
4 March 2019
Bank holiday
27 February 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
22 February 2019
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of January 2019
19 February 2019
Investment Funds Statistics
15 February 2019
Statistical Bulletin February 2019
12 February 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 31 October 2018
1 February 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
1 February 2019
Προκήρυξη Διαγωνισμού για την εκμετάλλευση της καφετέριας της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας της Κύπρου
31 January 2019
Quarterly Financial Accounts
30 January 2019
Key Aggregate Financial Indicators for the Cyprus Banking Sector for 2018Q3
29 January 2019
Central Bank of Cyprus balance sheet as at the end of December 2018
28 January 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics
25 January 2019
Reference interest rate, as calculated by the Central Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with article 314A of the ...
25 January 2019
Biannual Bulletin on euro banknote counterfeiting
21 January 2019
Designation of five Cyprus Investment Firms as Other Systemically Important Institutions
11 January 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (non-performing facilities data) with reference date 30 September 2018
11 January 2019
Aggregate Cyprus banking sector data (profitability, balance sheet and capital adequacy data) with reference date ...
8 January 2019
Statistics on Interest Rates applied by Monetary Financial Institutions
3 January 2019
Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs) Deposits and Loans Statistics